Residential Treatment Programs for Adolescents

Welcome to Stratas Consulting Group, where we specialize in guiding families through the selection and admission process into top residential treatment programs for adolescents. Understanding the challenges families face, we provide expert advice to find the right therapeutic and supportive environment for your child's recovery and personal development.

What is Residential Treatment?

Residential treatment provides intensive therapeutic care in a structured environment for adolescents dealing with emotional, behavioral, or mental health issues. These programs combine therapy, education, and personal development activities to help young individuals overcome their challenges and achieve personal growth.

Our Services

  • Assessment and Evaluation: Comprehensive evaluations to understand the specific needs of your child.

  • Personalized Matching: Connecting your child with the residential treatment program that best suits their needs.

  • Ongoing Support and Follow-up: Continuous support throughout your child’s treatment and transition back home.


What types of issues do residential treatment programs address?

Residential treatment programs are designed to help adolescents dealing with a variety of issues, including but not limited to, mental health disorders, substance abuse, behavioral challenges, and emotional disturbances. Each program is tailored to address specific challenges, ensuring your child receives the appropriate care.

How long does a typical residential treatment program last?

The length of residential treatment varies depending on the individual's needs but typically ranges from 2 to 12 months. Sometimes longer, sometimes shorter. We work with families to understand the level of care required and to set realistic expectations for recovery.

How do we choose the right residential treatment program?

Choosing the right program involves considering the therapeutic approaches, staff qualifications, facility accreditation, and the overall environment. Stratas Consulting Group helps you navigate these factors with detailed research and personalized advice.

Is your adolescent in need of professional support and care?

Contact Stratas Consulting Group today to discuss how we can help you find the right residential treatment program that will foster their recovery and growth.